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Holy Family School
Capital Campaign

Holy Family School is excited to announce the kick off of its capital campaign, "A Century of Excellence; a Future of Promise!" This campaign will help fund extensive exterior and interior improvements for the school building to support Catholic education in the Albany area for many generations to come!

Brick Wall

Campaign Prayer

Heavenly Father, You have been ever generous in blessing our Harvest of Hope Catholic Community. We humbly ask for your continued blessing as we undertake this new project and campaign: A Century of Excellence; A Future of Promise. Through this project, we can ensure the students at Holy Family School will continue to grow academically, physically, and spiritually. Let the Holy Spirit stir up the faith in our congregation so that we will walk by faith and not by sight and support this vision through our giving, service, and prayers. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

A Century of Excellence

A Future of Promise

Read about the background for the campaign, the goals and plans.


To donate, fill out a pledge card and mail it to Holy Family School. You may also donate online.

Farmers  may donate grain or livestock to the Capital Campaign through Seven Dolors Parish and save on taxes. Read the instructions carefully and contact your tax advisor for advice.

Learn about the plans and important dates for the capital campaign.

Watch a video about our needs and goals.

Answers to commonly asked questions.

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