HFS Childcare

Childcare is available:
School days: 6:45-7:45 a.m. and 2:40-6:00 p.m.
On weekday, non- school days: 6:45 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

The purpose of the school age childcare program at Holy Family is to provide childcare for our families in a safe, well-supervised environment. The program is open to all students K-5. Children need to be 5 years old to attend Childcare.
Students participate in group and individual games and play activities, gym and playground activities, work on homework with assistance of the supervisor, create arts & crafts and occasionally view an age-appropriate video.
Weather Closures
Late Starts: If school is late due to weather, there will be no a.m. Childcare.
Early Dismissal: If school dismisses early, families signed up for the program will be contacted to pick students up as soon as possible.

Contact Us
Holy Family School
160 Second Street S.
Albany MN 56307
E-mail: hfamilys@albanytel.com
Phone: 320-845-2011